Welcome to the month of February! The sun is shining and daffodils have even started to bloom. Are you sensing spring in the air as I am?
If January is often associated with setting new goals, giving up alcohol, and improving fitness. Then perhaps February should be about reviewing results and making improvements where necessary. It can be the perfect month to embrace something positive and enriching in our lives and watch it blossom in our lives along with Spring
Here are four uplifting ideas to consider for the month of February:
Journaling: Set aside 10 minutes a day to just write what is on your mind and explore your thoughts, emotions, and feelings in a more meaningful way. With practice, you’ll become an expert at self-reflection, and gain deeper insights into your own patterns of behaviours, beliefs, and values. Given that approximately 95% percent of our daily behaviours, thoughts, and actions are beyond our conscious awareness, there is no better time to start journaling and wake up your conscious mind, and foster that inner personal growth.
Take a 30-minute walk every day! There is no such thing as bad weather, just bad gear! So no excuses please if you decide to commit to this! Connect with nature, and watch the shapes and colours unfold before you. Nature provides a clear reminder that no matter how bad (or good) a situation is, nothing stays the same. Step into the moment, step out of your front door and come back feeling refreshed and revitalised. Your heart and lungs will thank you for it!
Learning Something New: Whether it’s playing a musical instrument, learning a new language, or exploring a new hobby, learning can be incredibly rewarding and enriching. But more than that, learning has a transformative impact on the brain, influencing its structure and function, a process, called neuroplasticity. Who doesn’t want a brain that can adapt and change? As the saying goes, ‘If you don’t use it, you lose it!’
Rekindle Old Friendships: While it’s never too late to start learning something new, it’s also never too late to reconnect with old friends or acquaintances you haven’t seen in a while. You can reminisce and make new memories together, bringing fun, joy, support, and a sense of belonging to your life. What 2 friends in your contacts might be lucky enough to have you drop them a line this month?
Take Up Pilates: Of course, I can’t leave this one out. If you haven’t yet made the leap back to a Pilates class, consider doing so and start making Pilates a regular part of your routine. Just one hour of Pilates a week can bring significant benefits in terms of strengthening your body, improving your flexibility, and enhancing your mind-body connection, but I am sure you won’t leave it at that and will find yourself rolling out your mat at home. Many of my members have told me over the years that they can still hear my voice urging them to maintain good posture well beyond the class. Your new postural habits will serve you well as you enjoy the rest of 2024 and beyond!