Features in


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The Mirror of the Mat: Resilience and Adaptability

By Esmee Samara • Reading time: 2 Minutes

This feature focuses on resilience and adaptability, which is the second of the five parallels we are exploring that we encounter both on and off the mat:   In Pilates,…

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The Mirror of The Mat: Mindfulness and Presence

By Esmee Samara • Reading time: 2 minutes

Pilates is more than just performing a series of exercises; it’s about embodying a mindset, cultivating discipline and fostering self-awareness that extends beyond the mat.   The principles of Pilates…

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Embrace February with Positive Habits and Pilates! 

By Esmee Samara • Reading time: 2 minutes

Welcome to the month of February! The sun is shining and daffodils have even started to bloom. Are you sensing spring in the air as I am?    If January is…

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Pilates, Roots and Soggy Soil

Pilates, Roots and Soggy Soil

By Esmee Samara • Reading time: 3 minutes

I hope everyone has survived this blustery weekend, with fence panels still intact. It saddened me yesterday morning to see a great oak tree blown to the ground by the…

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Peonies & Potential

Peonies & Potential…?

By Esmee Samara • Reading time: 3 minutes

So what have peonies got to do with potential (and even Pilates) you may wonder? Pour a cuppa and allow me to tell you a short (and true) story. Picture…

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The Core Principles

The Core Principles

By Esmee Samara • Reading time: 8 minutes

In his book, ‘Return to Life Through Contrology,’ Joseph Pilates defined his work as a way to unify the body, mind, and spirit. When I practice Pilates this is the…

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