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We’re all in this together…

By Esmee Samara • 19th May 2020 • Reading time: 4 minutes

In such difficult times as these, our awareness of our connectedness with others is cultivated and deepened.

Communities, villages, towns, cities, countries and continents – we all amount to One Body. Dependent on each other not only to fight but also to survive these unprecedented times.

Whilst in London in 2003 undertaking my Pilates training, I saw the caption ‘One Body. Love it, on a large poster outside a central gym. I recall thinking about how fortunate I was to have my physical health, along with the support of my family, to be able to spend the weekend training in order to pursue my career.  My awareness of having one body, yet being inextricably connected with others in a way that I hadn’t appreciated often enough, suddenly struck me. That memory has never left me.

The anguish, sadness, and pain of watching people in China, Italy and Spain and many other countries, is felt in our living rooms, heard loud and clear. Just as if it were happening to our neighbours next door. Many of us remain in disbelief (or defiance) that it is also happening to us. COVID-19 may be blighting us, but it is also uniting us – as One Body. The fact that as humans we are the most adaptable species is on our side. We shall adapt, reform, reorganise our way of being, living, working, even resting. We will heal, along with mother nature, as she too rests from our inactivity.

As we close our doors to self-isolate and distance ourselves, we cling on to the ‘Old World’ through our phones, laptops and iPads. Technology has become a lifeline for so many of us, to stay connected, reconfigure our businesses, to keep the threads of our community attached. We appreciate more than ever, the freedoms and liberties we’ve had. Liberties that our older generation fought for us to enjoy.

As a Hospital Social Worker, I witness the speed at which everything is changing so fast. I witness great team-ship, determination, collaboration, love, care, and consideration of each other. I am humbled to be working in a place at such a time as this. I am inspired by the acts of random kindness of others. For every negative aspect of human behaviour, I witness, such as empty supermarket shelves, or the shocking cost of hand sanitiser, I also notice the positive things that are taking place in our society to reach out to others, and my faith in humanity is restored. I am going to continue to make a deliberate choice to focus on the good and not the bad.

This is the time for us to shift gears in our thinking, starting with our attitudes towards the changes that have been expected of us, and those enforced on us. To look beyond having our own immediate needs met, to consider the needs of the most vulnerable groups in our society and of those working tirelessly to keep ourselves and loved ones healthy and safe. This is the time to take our place together. This is the time to function as One Body. To love it. There is no other time, such as now to use our power wisely, considerably and conscientiously.

Remaining active is going to be so important to us over the coming weeks and months. This is going to require us to dig deep into our pockets of self-motivation and pull out any stops that may sidetrack us.

With many working from home, some juggling parenting alongside teaching roles, we are going to have to be disciplined with ourselves and each other. We are going to have to schedule to survive! Ring-fencing time for exercise must remain important to release the build-up of stress and of course optimise your health and wellness. The fitness industry is literally moving online, so you are going to be spoilt for choice. But you don’t need techno! Skipping ropes are in! Walking is in! Running is in! Get outdoors to exercise if and when you can, just stay at least 2 metres apart from others!

I am running FREE live Facebook Pilates sessions on Monday’s and Thursdays at 7 pm. Join me at my Facebook page ‘The Pilates Pathway’ You will also soon have the opportunity to subscribe to a Facebook group where you will continue to get lots of Pilates sessions, ideas, inspiration and motivation to keep moving. You can also subscribe to my newsletter at to stay in touch. I would love to hear from you and become a mutual encouragement to each other.

Keep moving, keep motivated and keep making small positive steps in the right direction so that together, as One Body we recover and restore together.

Let’s do this.

Esmee x

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